Pediatric Sleep Consulting
Toddler/School Age Sleep Program
This two-week program is wonderful for families with children no longer sleeping in a crib and up to 12 years of age. Sleep is essential for proper brain/physical development and to keep their immune systems strong. It's never too late to help your child sleep better! Sleep at this age can derail due to independence-seeking behavior leading to never-ending bedtime battles. Together, we will craft a personalized sleep plan that quickly lays groundwork for outstanding sleep habits that enable your child to enjoy uninterrupted nights while enhancing their learning capabilities for a happy and healthy life!
Our program includes:
In-depth analysis of your child's sleep challenges
A 60-minute virtual meeting to discuss the sleep assessment form and your family's sleep objectives
Evaluation of your child's sleep space to ensure a safe, healthy environment
A Sleep Log for tracking naps, bedtime, waking hours and food intake
Customized Nap (if applicable) & Bedtime Sleep Plan tailored to your family's needs and values
Scheduled follow-up phone support
Daily support with progress updates and Sleep Log review
A "Looking Ahead" meeting on the final day to celebrate your success and address any future questions