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Q & A Call - 60 minutes
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Need some guidance on a sleep issue?  Not sure if you need some tweaking to your child's sleep routine? Or maybe you just need to talk things out and have many questions before starting your sleep journey? This 60 minute call is perfect for all of the above!



  • 60 minute comprehensive virtual meeting with Kim 

  • Assessment of your current sleeping situation

  • All of your sleep questions answered

  • Guidance on moving forward to overcome your sleeping issues

  • Discussion on sleep support available

  • Note:  This session does not include follow up support

Newborn Sleep Program 

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Discover the wonders of the Newborn Sleep Program! Your ultimate guide to understanding newborn sleep during the first 4 months of your little one's life. 

Our program Includes:


  • Expecting & Newborn Sleep Guide

  • 60 minute comprehensive meeting to discuss infant sleep 

  • Bedroom set up discussion to ensure safe, healthy sleep environment

  • Scheduled follow up virtual meeting at 4 months of age

Infant/Child Sleep Program
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Our two-week program is specifically designed for families with little ones aged 4 months to 3 years (still in their cribs). This dynamic period in their lives is filled with excitement and challenges, leaving many parents concerned about forming sleep associations, short or non-existent naps, and frequent night wakings – just to name a few! Dive into this fantastic experience and ease some of your worries.  Together we take a close look at the CAUSE of the sleep issues and we focus on treating the cause and not just the symptoms.  We want to see your family have long term success and we develop a sleep plan that is specifically designed for YOUR family. You will quickly see your child develop independent sleeping skills that will enable them to sleep through the night, take amazing naps and stay healthy and happy!!

Our program includes:


  • In-depth analysis of your child's sleep challenges

  • A 60-minute meeting to discuss the sleep assessment form and your family's sleep objectives

  • Evaluation of your child's sleep space to ensure a safe, healthy environment

  • A Sleep Log for tracking naps, bedtime, waking hours and food intake

  • Customized Nap & Bedtime Sleep Plan tailored to your family's needs and values

  • Scheduled follow-up phone support

  • Daily support with progress updates and Sleep Log review

  • A "Looking Ahead" meeting on the final day to celebrate your success and address any future questions

Toddler/School Age Sleep Program
Cute Siblings

This two-week program is wonderful for families with children 3 (no longer sleeping in a crib) to 12 years of age. Sleep is essential for proper brain/physical development and to keep their immune systems strong.  It's never too late to help your child sleep better! Sleep at this age can derail due to independence-seeking behavior leading to never-ending bedtime battles. Together, we will craft a personalized sleep plan that quickly lays groundwork for outstanding sleep habits that enable your child to enjoy uninterrupted nights while enhancing their learning capabilities for a happy and healthy life!

Our program includes:


  • In-depth analysis of your child's sleep challenges

  • A 60-minute meeting to discuss the sleep assessment form and your family's sleep objectives

  • Evaluation of your child's sleep space to ensure a safe, healthy environment

  • A Sleep Log for tracking naps, bedtime, waking hours and food intake

  • Customized Nap & Bedtime Sleep Plan tailored to your family's needs and values

  • Scheduled follow-up phone support

  • Daily support with progress updates and Sleep Log review

  • A "Looking Ahead" meeting on the final day to celebrate your success and address any future questions

Twins Sleep Program

Twins!!!  Twice as much fun right!?  Most of the time yes but when it comes to sleeping challenges, it can be twice as challenging.  It's hard enough trying to figure sleep out for one child and now there's two, with one sometimes known as the "sensitive sleeper". This 2 week program is suitable for children ages  5.5 months (adjusted) to 4 years of age.

Our program includes:


  • In-depth analysis of your children's sleep challenges

  • A 60-minute meeting to discuss the sleep assessment form and your family's sleep objectives

  • Evaluation of your children's sleep space to ensure a safe, healthy environment

  • A Sleep Log for tracking naps, bedtime, waking hours and food intake

  • Customized Nap & Bedtime Sleep Plan tailored to your family's needs and values

  • Scheduled follow-up phone support

  • Daily support with progress updates and Sleep Log review

  • A "Looking Ahead" meeting on the final day to celebrate your success and address any future questions

Corporate Wellness Sleep Program
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Investing in your employees' sleep can be transformative for their lives. You will not regret helping them achieve better rest, as companies prioritizing staff wellness experience increased morale, productivity, fewer sick days, and reduced employee turnover. Prioritizing sleep will not only benefit your team's mental health but also their overall well-being.

Our corporate workshops and sleep lunch and learns, hosted by founder Kim Davis, are the perfect match – sleep is more important than ever for stress management and immunity.

Our program offers strategic, effective solutions for sleep optimization that benefit both employers and employees.  We work with business of all types and sizes and are happy to customize our workshops based on your needs and goals. 

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